Uchida (ed) - Marx for the 21st Century, Theology, philosophy and the history of ideas

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Marx for the 21st Century
This collection surveys current research on Marx and Marxism from a
diverse range of perspectives.
Marx is rescued from ‘orientalism’, evaluated as a socialist thinker,
revisited as a theorist of capitalist development, heralded as a necessary
ethical corrective to modern economics, linked to ecologism, and claimed
as an inspiration to ‘civil society’ theorists. There are also major scholarly
revisions to the ‘standard’ historical accounts of Marx’s work on the
munist Manifesto
, his relationship to the contemporary theories of Louis
Blanc and P.-J. Proudhon, and new information about how he and Engels
worked together.
Hiroshi Uchida
researches and teaches at Senshu University, Tokyo,
Routledge frontiers of political economy
1 Equilibrium Versus
Towards the rehumanization
of economics within social
Mark Addleson
7 Markets, Unemployment and
Economic Policy
Essays in honour of
Geoff Harcourt, volume two
Edited by Philip Arestis,
Gabriel Palma and
Malcolm Sawyer
2 Evolution, Order and
Edited by Elias L. Khalil and
Kenneth E. Boulding
8 Social Economy
The logic of capitalist
Clark Everling
3 Interactions in Political
Malvern after ten years
Edited by Steven Pressman
9 New Keynesian Economics/
Post Keynesian Alternatives
Edited by Roy J. Rotheim
4 The End of Economics
Michael Perelman
10 The Representative Agent in
James E. Hartley
5 Probability in Economics
Omar F. Hamouda and
Robin Rowley
11 Borderlands of Economics
Essays in honour of
Daniel R. Fusfeld
Edited by Nahid Aslanbeigui
and Young Back Choi
6 Capital Controversy, Post
Keynesian Economics and the
History of Economics
Essays in honour of Geoff
Harcourt, volume one
Edited by Philip Arestis,
Gabriel Palma and
Malcolm Sawyer
12 Value, Distribution and
Essays in honour of
Pierangelo Garegnani
Edited by Gary Mongiovi and
Fabio Petri
13 The Economics of Science
Methodology and epistemology
as if economics really mattered
James R. Wible
21 Subjectivism and Economic
Essays in memory of
Ludwig Lachmann
Edited by Roger Koppl and
Gary Mongiovi
14 Competitiveness, Localised
Learning and Regional
Specialisation and prosperity in
small open economies
Peter Maskell, Heikki Eskelinen,
Ingjaldur Hannibalsson,
Anders Malmberg and
Eirik Vatne
22 Themes in Post-Keynesian
Essays in honour of
Geoff Harcourt, volume
Edited by Claudio Sardoni and
Peter Kriesler
15 Labour Market Theory
A constructive reassessment
Ben J. Fine
23 The Dynamics of Technological
Cristiano Antonelli
16 Women and European
Jill Rubery, Mark Smith,
Colette Fagan and
Damian Grimshaw
24 The Political Economy of Diet,
Health and Food Policy
Ben J. Fine
25 The End of Finance
Capital market inflation,
financial derivatives and
pension fund capitalism
Jan Toporowski
17 Explorations in Economic
From Lakatos to empirical
philosophy of science
Roger Backhouse
26 Political Economy and the New
Edited by Jan Toporowski
18 Subjectivity in Political Economy
Essays on wanting and choosing
David P. Levine
27 Growth Theory
A philosophical perspective
Patricia Northover
19 The Political Economy of
Middle East Peace
The impact of competing trade
Edited by J.W. Wright, Jnr
28 The Political Economy of the
Small Firm
Edited by Charlie Dannreuther
20 The Active Consumer
Novelty and surprise in
consumer choice
Edited by Marina Bianchi
29 Hahn and Economic
Edited by Thomas Boylan and
Paschal F. O’Gorman
30 Gender, Growth and Trade
The miracle economies of the
postwar years
David Kucera
39 Methodology, Microeconomics
and Keynes
Essays in honour of
Victoria Chick, volume two
Philip Arestis, Meghnad Desai
and Sheila Dow
31 Normative Political Economy
Subjective freedom, the market
and the state
David Levine
40 Market Drive and Governance
Reexamining the rules for
economic and commercial
Ralf Boscheck
32 Economist with a Public Purpose
Essays in honour of
John Kenneth Galbraith
Edited by Michael Keaney
41 The Value of Marx
Political economy for
contemporary capitalism
Alfredo Saad-Filho
33 Involuntary Unemployment
The elusive quest for a theory
Michel De Vroey
34 The Fundamental Institutions of
Ernesto Screpanti
42 Issues in Positive Political
S. Mansoob Murshed
35 Transcending Transaction
The search for self-generating
Alan Shipman
43 The Enigma of Globalisation
A journey to a new stage of
Robert Went
36 Power in Business and the State
An historical analysis of its
Frank Bealey
44 The Market
Equilibrium, stability, mythology
S.N. Afriat
45 The Political Economy of Rule
Evasion and Policy Reform
Jim Leitzel
37 Editing Economics
Essays in honour of Mark
Hank Lim, Ungsuh K. Park and
Geoff Harcourt
46 Unpaid Work and the Economy
Edited by Antonella Picchio
38 Money, Macroeconomics and
Essays in honour of
Victoria Chick, volume one
Philip Arestis, Meghnad Desai
and Sheila Dow
47 Distributional Justice
Theory and measurement
Hilde Bojer
48 Cognitive Developments in
Edited by Salvatore Rizzello
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