US3293149, Politechnika Opolska 1 Semestr Budownictwo

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//-->Dec. 20, 1966R. A. LENGEMANN ET ALFiled Aug. so, 196s3,293,149BUBBLE DECK FRACTIONATOR USEFUL FOR SMALL SCALE FRACTIONATIONHol/ow Dec/f Support89“A TTOR/VEYSUnited States Patent O1BUBBLE DECK FRACTI‘ÜNATÜR USEFUL FÜRSMALL SCALE FRACTIUNATIQNRobert A. Lengemann, Park Ridge, and Leslie C. Hardison, Arlington Heights, Ill., assignors to Universal GilProducts Company, Des Plaines, Ill., a corporation ofDelawareCC3293i@Patented Dec. 20, 19662not only control the size of upiiowing Vapor bubbles, butwill serve to equalize the liquid flow across the deck andenhance vapor-liquid contacting at each level.3,293,149A particular improved design feature is also embodiedin the use of a central hollow supporting member extending downwardly through the top end of the fractionatingcolumn or housing to the lowermost of the plurality ofFiled Aug. 30, 1963, Ser. No. 305,666superimposed decks. Each deck is attached at predeter7 Claims. (Cl. 202--158)mined vertically spaced distances to the hollow tube, or10alternatively, each of the decks may be held by the supThe present invention relates to an improved smallporting rod with the use of spacer means between decksfractionator design, and more particularly to an improvedand the lowermost of the series being fixedly attached todesign and construction which utilizes small bubble decksthe rod. This arrangement permits the entire assembly ofand has the ability to maintain constant efficient performbubble decks to be lowered into the fractionator housingance over a wide range of throughputs.Fractionation within small scale equipment, such asand at the same time permits the insertion of thermodischarge of separate fractions, means for supplying heatAdditional construction features and advantages in conhave used packinfr material to effect the vapor liquid con20nection therewith are set forth and referred to in thetacting. In addition there has been considerable dithaccompanying drawing and the following descriptionculty in effecting satisfactory insulation for small sizedthereof.fractionating units, such that heat losses have been highFIGURE l of the drawing is a diagrammatic elevationand adiabatic operation difficult to view of the improved small scale fractionating columnIt is thus an object of the present invention to provide25with a plurality of vertically suspended small sized bubblean improved small scale fractionating column design whichdecks therein effecting the desired vapor liquid adapted for encasement within an insulating enclosureFIGURE 2 of the drawing is a sectional plan View indiand is capable of obtaining enhanced fractionating resultscating the top of one of the bubble decks in the column,over varying ranges of indicated by the line 2_2 in FIGURE l.It is also an object of the present invention to provide30FIGURE 3 of the drawing is a sectional elevationalan improved design which utilizes small sized bubble decksview through a deck and downspout means, as indicatedand novel means for supporting them within a verticallyby line 3-3 in FIGURE 2.elongated column.FIGURE 4 of the drawing shows, in an enlarged secIn one embodiment, the improved small capacity fractional view, the arrangement of a ball check member in itstionator comprises in combination, a vertically elongated35seating means with the top of each vapor openinghousing having at least one intermediately positioned fluidthrough the bubble deck members.inlet thereto and at least two fluid outlets therefrom for theReferring now to the drawing, and particularly to FIGutilized in pilot plant type of units, is generally difficultand results have been far from optimum, particularly inconnection with high temperature metallic units whichcouple means downwardly into the interior portion of thefractionator at any desired level by utilizing the interiorportion of the hollow supporting rod.movable ball and seat means for the top of each of theto ñuid maintained within the lower portion of the houshaving an upper hollow conduit section 2 with an ending, and a plurality of vertically spaced bubble decks with40closure member 3 and a vapor outlet nozzle 4. A refluxin the housing, with each of the decks having a weir andinlet nozzle 5 is also provided at the top of the columndownpipe means for downward flow of liquid and a pluralabove a ñrst deck 6. A feed inlet nozzle 7 is shown atity of spaced vapor openings therethrough, accompanyingan intermediate point in the column, while a lower outletline 8 provides means for the discharge of the bottomsURE l, there is shown a vertically positioned housing 1vapor openings, and in addition each of the decks havewhereby to preclude the displacement of the movable ballmeans above each vapor opening and its seat means.fraction. The heating of the bottoms liquid in the columnperforate screen means positioned closely thereabove45is provided by means of withdrawal line 9, a riser line 10and an electric heating coil 11. The power supply to thecoil 11 may be conventional and is not indicated in theOne of the improved aspects for small sized bubblepresent drawing.decks has been the incorporation of ball check means inA plurality of the improved decks 6, together withcombination with seat means provided at the top of each50downpipes 12, are merely shown diagrammatically inof the vapor openings through each deck in the column. AFIGURE 1 as being spaced vertically one from anotherlightweight ball of refractory material serves to permitwithin the interior of the housing 1 and supported by aupward ñow of vapor through each of the decks while athollow deck supporting tube 13. The tube 13 passesthe same time precluding downward flow of liquid whichaxially through the top closure member 3 for the enlargedwill flow across each deck to the top of the downspout55tube 2 and through the center of each of the decks 6 tomeans for transfer to a next lower deck. The size andbecome attached to the lowermost of the decks 6. Thus,weight of each ball utilized as a check valve means will,all of the decks are held `and positioned at predeterminedof course, be correlated with the spacing between deckselevations within the column 1 to accommodate both theand the upward vapor flow or range of vapor pressure to60stripping and rectifying sections of the column. In thebe encountered in a particular column.present embodiment, a top head 14 for the column 1 isStill another improved design feature of the new fracmade removable by reason of a flanged connection withtionating column utilizes a deformed screen member overtrays or decks may be positioned Within the columnof the ball check members in their proper positioningprior to the welded attachment to the top head to theover each opening. The screening is preformed with65column where a flanged connection is undesirable.raised or dimpled portions to set over the ball checkThere is also indicated in connection with FIGURE lmeans to allow some upward movement of each ball toof the drawing a spaced outer shell member 15 which isin turn permit an upward Vapor ñow through each deck.adapted to encase or hold a suitable insulating materialThe perforate screening may be welded or otherwise ataround the column 1. For example, the shell 15 may betached to each deck, with a preferred embodiment ex70constructed to maintain a vacuum in combination withtending over the entire deck area so that it will serve toa plurality of heat radiation shields which are positionedthe top of each bubble deck so as to effect the holdingthe top portion of the column; however, the plurality of3,293,149rsda4preclude their displacement from seats 17 on the top faceof the deck. The screening or perforate means 22 may' be dimpled or otherwise deformed at points 22' over eachi of the vapor openings and members 18 such that the latterconcentrically around column 1 within the housing 15.However, it is not intended to limit the present inventionto the use of any one type of insulating means although,as may be noted, the present improved small scale fractionator design and construction is particularly adapted forencasement within suitable insulating means to provide aare free to move slightly upwardly from the seats 17 andvapor openings 16. There is a particular advantage inhighly efficient adiabatic operation.Referring now more lparticularly to FIGURES 2 and3 of the drawing, there is shown the placement of a pluthe present design which utilizes screening, such as 22,across the entire upper face of the deck 6 in that thereis an increased retention and spread of the downflowliquid »across the base of the deck and a resulting improved uniform contact with the rising vapor streamsrality of vapor openings 16 with accompanying enlargedtapered sections 17 which serve as a seat for movable ballmembers 1S.In operation, each ofthe vapor openings 16through each of the plurality of vapor openingsV spreadacross the face of the deck plate. Still further, it appearsthat one of the major problems encountered in the operation of a small size laboratory or pilot plant type of fracpermit the upward dow of vapor rising through the column1 -at a controlled rate effecting the slight lifting of ballmembers 18 as they pass to a next higher deck section andcome into Contact with a down-flowing liquid stream passing across the upper surfaces of the deck 6. In a typicaltionator is the prevention of large up-tlowing vapor bubbles. The screening serves to break up the vapor streambubble tray type of operation, the liquid’ passes from thelower end of a superposed downpipe 12 over and aroundthe ball members 18 and the vapor openings 16 to flowover a weir, or open raised inlet end 19, for each downand provide small bubbles in the column. Thus, thereis a triple function for the screen member to serve as apipe section.It is not intended to limit the new deck design to theuse of any particular number of vapor openings nor toany one predetermined size, inasmuch as the size and25any one means, nor to limit the type of screening to anyspacing may be varied in accordance with the type of feedone particular wire land mesh size inasmuch as there mayhold-down member, a liquid distributor and a vapor distributor which can assist contacting and overall fractionation efficiency. Such screening may be tackwelded orotherwise attached to the upper face of each plate 6 andit is not intended to limit the method of attachment tobeing fractionated in the column. Various types of ballcheck members 18 may also be utilized within the scope `be variations in accordance with the size of the fractionating column and with the quantity of liquid flow anticiof the present invention, with the size and Weight of thepated from the type of feed stream being fractionated.members being correlated with the size of the vapor open30It is realized that there are various types of lift memings and the vapor pressure being exerted between thebers which have been utilized in connection with bubblespaced trays. In all cases the ball check members, as weilas the deck member, downpipes, etc., shall be formed ofa metal or other refractory material capable of withdeck designs for fractionating columns. However, suchdesigns are not adaptable to small scale fractionatingstanding high temperature operations. Thus, the ball35of one inch in diameter, such that vapor openings are inmembers 18 may be formed of glass, ceramic materials,turn of the order of ¿Q6-inch to 3/16-inch in diameter. Howhollow metals and the like.ever, the provision of tapered seat means on the upper faceof the deck plate and the use of accompanying ball checkIn the embodiment of FIGURE 3, the downpipe 12 ismembers such as set forth and described hereinbefore, inprovided with a lower open topped distributing tray 20which is welded, soldered or otherwise attached to the40combination with a screen retaining member, have servedto provide efficient fractionation over wide operating conlower open end of the downpipe 12. Thus, a downditions with various feed stocks. It has further been defiowing liquid stream through the column will be pertermined that the deck supporting means comprising a holmitted to be more widely distributed over the rim of thelow supporting tube provides a novel Amethod of accuratelytray member 20 and onto the next lower tray member 6.The embodiment of FIGURE 3 also indicates that each45positioning bubble trays at predetermined points and atthe same time permitting insertion of accompanying inof the deck members 6 are spaced one from anotherstrumentation without the necessity for added extraneousvertically by the use of hollow spacer members 21 whichnozzles or thermowell openings, etc., around the mainslide over 4the inner supporting tube member ‘13 betweenbody of the fractionating column.deck members 6. In other words, the deck members 6and spacers 21 may be alternately placed or stacked on50and over the inner hollow tubular member 13 which isñxedly attached to the lowermost deck 6 such that theWe claim as our invention:equipment, which, Afor example, may be sized to the order1. An improved fractionator comprising in combination,(a) a vertically elongated housing having at least onefluid inlet thereto and at least two ñuid outlets therelatter supports the entire vassembly of the superimposedplurality of decks. Also, as hereinbefore indicated, inlieu of spacer members 21, each of the deck members may55be welded or otherwise attached directly to -the hollowmember 13 at predetermined spaces such that the entirefrom to discharge separated fractions,(b) means supplying heat to fluid maintained in theassembly is supported from tube 13 within the centralportion of column 1.Still further, in accordance with an improved fraction60ator design, and particularly for pilot plant operations,the center support tube 13 is hollow throughout its entirelength and projects outwardly from the upper end of thecolumn 1 and any enclosing shells or housings such thatthermocouples or other instrumentation is inserted in65ternally into the interior of chamber 1 in the manner of alower portion of said housing, and(c) a plurality of vertically spaced bubble decks withinsaid housing,(d) each of said decks having a weir and downpipemeans, a plurality of spaced vapor openings therethrough, and an accompanying movable ball andseat means for the top of each of said vapor openings,and in addition,(e) each of said decks having perforate screen meansextending substantially over and in contact with theentire upper face of the deck and being deformedabove each of said movable ball means at said vaporthermowell. Thus, for example, a temperature readingmay be obtained at any desired level throughout the.height of the column 1 by inserting one or more temperature sensitive elements into the interior of member 13.Upon reference to FIGURE 4 of the drawing, therewill be noted another advantageous feature of the imopenings, whereby to enhance vapor-liquid ñow and70contacting and to preclude each of the movable ballmeans above each vapor opening from being displaced from its seat means on the upper face of adeck.’~proved bubble deck design, wherein the deformed perforate member, such as screening 22, is provided over thetop surface of deck 6 and the ball check members 18 to2. .The fractionator of claim 1 further characterized inthat said spaced bubble decks are supported at predeter>mined spaced distances from a hollow supporting rod ex_~3,293,1495tending axially down through said housing and throughsaid plurality of decks, with said hollow support rod ex6contacting and to preclude each of the movable ballmeans above each vapor opening from being displaced from its seat means on the upper face of atending externally from said housing whereby instrumentation may be inserted through said hollow r-od into theinterior of said housing.53. The fractionator of claim 1 further characterizedin that said ball means are formed of ceramic material.4. The fractionator of claim 1 further characterized inthat said ball means are hollow.deck, and(e) means supporting said spaced bubble decks atpredetermined vertically spaced distances comprisinga hollow supporting rod extending axially downthrough said housing and through said plurality ofdecks, with said hollow supporting rod extendingexternally from said housing whereby instrumentation may be inserted through said hollow rod into5. A fractionator bubble tray assembly »comprising a 10plate member having a -weir and downpipe means, a plurality of spaced vapor openings through said plate memand uninterruptedly along the interior of said housber, an accompanying movable ball and seat means foring.the top of each of said vapor openings, and a perforate7. The fractionator of claim 6 further characterizedscreen means extending substantially over land in contact 15in that only the lowermost of said bubble decks is ñxedlywith the entire upper face of the deck and being upwardlydeformed above each of said movable ball means at saidvapor openings to permit a small lifting of each ballmeans for upward vapor passage.attached to said supporting rod and the remaining bubbledecks are supported and spaced apart by respective hollow spacer members removably inserted over said supporting rod with a spacer member positioned between and6. An improved small capacity fractionato-r compri-s- 20bearing against successive adjacent bubble decks, wherebying in combination,said lowermost bubble deck supports the resulting entire(a) a vertically elongated housing having at least oneassembly of the superimposed plurality of decks.ñuid inlet thereto and at least two iluid outlets therefrom to discharge separated fractions,(b) means supplying heat to fluid maintained in the 25lower portion of said housing,(c) a plurality of vertically spaced bubble decks withinsaid housing, each of said decks being unattached tosaid housing and each of said decks having a weirand downpipe means, a plurality of spaced vapor 30openings therethrough, and an accompanying movable ball and seat means for the top of each of saidReferences Cited by the ExaminerUNITED STATES PATENTS2,090,5342,609,2772,843,7148/1937 Kilayko.9/19527/1958McNamara _______ __ 261-114Stanton __________ __ 202-1603,179,3891,9181,330,217485,050vapor openings,(d) each of said decks having perforate screen meansextending substantially over and in contact with the 35enti-re upper face of the deck and being deformedNORMAN YUDKOFF, Primary Examiner.above each of said movable -ball means at said vaporF. E. DRUMMOND, Assistant Examiner.openings, whereby to enhance vapor-liquid ñow and4/1965 Nutter.FOREIGN PATENTS8/1921 France.5/1963 France.10/ 1929 Germany. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
