US2241114, Politechnika Opolska 1 Semestr Budownictwo
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//-->May 6, 1941. -A. S. BRUNJES2,241,114BUBBLE DECK` CONSTRUCTIONFiled Ap?il 25, .1940ZI.'10504934d/ IZLatenten! May 6, 1.9412,241,114. `‘ UNITED STATES. PATENT OFFICE4-'.l'~_z,z41,11-4*Y~f,Austin-S. Brandes, Brooklyn, N. Y., assignor to The lLummus Company, New York, N. Y., a corporation of DelawareApplication anni z5, 1940„serin No. 331,544` Í1 Claim.v This- invention relates to improvementsin the(Cl. 261-114)section of the bubble deck is utilized in providing .the necessary vapor-liquid contact. 'manner of sealing a transverse partition memberwith respect to the vessel in which it is posi-ltioned.l More particularly, this invention relatesfcolumn or the like.._‘ Further objects and advantages'of my invention will be apparent from the following deto a bubble deck construction embodying an im- .Cilscription thereof taken in connection with theattached drawing, in which-_ `proved sealing means for use in a fractionatingIn the lassembling of afractionating column,-considerable diiiicult'y is frequently encounteredin providing a suitable seal between the variousbubble decks and the column itself. Suche. sealv is necessary toV prevent leakage ofthe rising vaFig. 1 is a partial vertical cross-sectional viewtaken‘substantially along the line I-l of Fig. 2of a fractionating column provided with my improved bubble deck construction;,pors past the j‘oinder 'of the deck and the-„co1umn. Since this leakage, especially if permittedto become substantial> in famount. mayserlousIy 'Fig.~ 2 is a partial horizontal cross-sectionalview (withbubble caps removed) of my improvedbubble deck taken along line 2--2 of Fig. 1;Fig. 3 is an enlarged vertical section of the details of the sealing construction embodied in myimproved bubble deck.'affect the eiiiciency of fractionation for whichthe column was originally designed. it becomes> .. >a vessel a transverse partition embdying my im1 essential 'to' provide a tight seal whereby the risIn accordance with my invention, I provide forThis sealing coning vapors are compelled to pass entirely through. proved sealing construction.the liquid trapped on each deck.s.20struction includes a flange attached to the peUnder the usual conditions of fabrication, the 'riphery of the transverse partition and adaptedto support a packing material placed between the„ column may vary slightly from true roundness invessel wall and the peripheral portion of theits finished condition; as a result, the bubble Ydecks,> when positioned in the columnas bymeans of bol-ts, rivets, or the like, do not form atight seal with the column wall. Although thisv defect may be overcome by welding the deckstransverse partition. A plurality of spaced pressure-applying means secured to the transversepartition by adjustable members serves to compress the packing material to the desired extent.directly to the column, such practice is disadto remove one or more of the decks.column._ Preferably, a follower-bar is provided to be invantageous if it becomes necessary or desirableserted between the packing material and the.30pressure-applying means so that the packingmaterial is subjected to substantially uniformThe prior art contains a number of suggestionscompression throughout.'for effecting a seal between the decks and theSubstantially all of them are open to »the objection that the proposed construction istoo complicated mechanically or ‘that the ex- .A feature oi' my invention is the provision ofthe pressure-applying means within the periphpense of theseal disproportionately increases theinitial cost of the column. In some cases, .thearea on the bubble deck available for the bubblecaps is materially reduced whereby the capacity'of thecolumn to handle vaporsis adverselyaffected and the proper-spacing ofthe bubble caps -to secure the lnecessary contact between vapors îand liquid is greatlyrestricted.,ery ofthe/transverse partition. Such construction` permits the packing material to be confinedin' a Y materially smaller space.Furthermore,with such construction, .the pressure 'reaction isentirelytaken up by. the transverse partition itself, and the packing material is compressedagainst the supporting flange' and l radiallyagainst the column and the peripheral portion- of the transverse partition.-A` more positive' It is a primary object of my invention to provide an improved-bubble deck construction having a sealing arrangement so .that the deck maypressure is thusapplied to the packing material.Although it will be apparent that my inventioncan be embodied in any type of vessel which isbe simply sealed with respect to the fractionating'column in which it is to be used, the sealing arrangement having a limited flexibility in that itequipped with a transverse parti-tion, I'prefer todescribe it _in connection with fractionating columnconstruction.`'`lwill i'ili small irregularites of shape between-thedeck and the column.,.-', lAs a preferred form of embodiment of my invention, I have shown a portion of a customaryIt is another object of`my invention to providean improved sealing construction'to eilect' a sealbetween a bubble deck and the column in whichifractionating column I! of substantially circularcross section, provided witha plurality of spacedbubble decks I2. -These decks I2 may be` it is used whereby substantially' the entire cross-l55.equlppedvwith any suitable type of liquid-vapor' 22,241,114.deck and since the studs necessary to compressthe packing material and to hold it in place arecontact device such as a bubble‘cap consisting ofa vapor _riserv I4 and a cap portion II. Each deckis also provided with one or more downiiow pipesalso at the greatest radius possible, the surfacearea of the bubble deck can be more fully utilizedI8, here shown screwed in bosses I 8 in the deck,which establish the liquid level on the deck obtain the liquid-vaporl contact desired. Itwill be realized that, by placing the sealing meansextend to a point below the liquid level on theentirely below the level orf the deck and by pronextlower deck. It will thus be apparent that-viding clamps at spacedy intervals to hold thethe vapors flowing upward as well as the liquidflowing downward must follow a predeterminedcourse.packing material in place, the bubble caps canbe placed on the deck so that those about theAs the principal íeature of> my invention, I provide an improved means for sealing the decks I2f with respect to the column III. This includes aperiphery may actually extend over the sealing’ means.Thus, the entire cross-section of thecolumn can be eifectively utilized.Such a construction is particularly valuable in a columntween the- nominal periphery 2| of the deck I215of small diameter wherein it is essential to usethe entire' surface area of the deck and the availand the inner wall of the column I0. Each deck,at its outer periphery, has a downwardly extend~able space for positioning the sealing means isextremely' limited. For example, in one 18”ing flange 26, the outer surface 2I of which becomes a sealing surface opposed to the columncolumn that was recently built, my improvedwall. At its lower edge,- the flange has an out- 20sealing means was the only'one found applicablegasket or packing'material 20 which is placed bewardly projecting lip-like extension 21, whichserves to support the packing material 2li. Theouter diameter of lip 21 is sufllciently less thanthe diameter of the column to afford clearance socolumn I0.The packing material 20 may be asbestos ropeor the like; it may be used in one piece if desired,or it may be built up in several layers as eii’ectively seal a ai!" peripheral space betweenthe deck -and the column.-Several modiiication's of my invention will bereadily apparent. Although I have describedcular cross-section, it will be obvious that it mayalso be used in a vessel of other` cross-section.Undercertain circumstances it may be desirable. to install the transverse partition in a positionthat the decks l I2 may be readily inserted in the 25the invention in connection with a vessel of cirIn contact with the packing material 2li is the 30inverted to that shown, in which case- my im»ring follower-member 30, which may be split orproved sealing arrangement may be used withoutcontinuous but is atleast long enough to 4eoniinesubstantial alteration. It will be understood thatthe packing material 20 and is rigid enough tomeans may also be provided to ñx the transversemaintain it under uniform compression.'partitions in position without departing from theA plurality of clamps Il, spaced at intervals 35scope of the invention.’_about the periphery of each deck, serve to holdAlthough I have described a preferred form ofthe ring 30 in fixed position on the packing maembodiment of my invention, it will be apparentterial. A stud 3B passes through each clamp andthat modifications may be madethereto Withoutengages a boss 38, whichis preferably formed indeparting from the scope and spirit of 'the inthe deck I2 contiguous with ñange 2'8. The spac- 40vention; therefore, only such limitations as aping of the clamps and the rigidity of the ring l0,pear in the claim appended hereinafter shouldare such that suiiicient pressure can be appliedbe imposed.'to the packing material 2l to compress it to the' desired degree of tightness.Lock washers 39 -orIn combination with a fractionating column of' -relatively small diameter, a bubble deck extendthe like may be used to maintain the studs in the 45ing to the inner periphery of the column, meansdesired position. Preferably clamp $4 is providedto support the deck in said column, and meanswith a ñange “a along its inner edge and withto seal the periphery of the deck with respect to _an opening somewhat larger than the stud crossthe column comprising a continuous peripheralsection so that adequate pressure'can be placedilange projecting downwardly from the plane ofon the packing material 2l.’The decks are supported by any desired means. 50the said deck and forming a sealing surface, an ,VIn Fig. 1, for example, spacing rods 40 may bel conveniently screwed into bosses 4I in the reoutwardly extending, continuous integral liparound the lower edge of the said peripheralilange, packing material supported by the saidlip, a ring member in contact with the upper surface of the said packing material, a plurality ofaboutthe periphery ont the deck in contact withthe ring member. threaded studs in said bossesThe sealing arrangement described is simple toG0 engwins said adjustable members to compressconstructand can be readily assembled. It formsthe packing material against the said lip anda tight seal which effectively prevents the flow of 'radially against the interior of the column and-vapors past the periphery of the bubble deck.the sealing surface of the flange.Moreover, since the sealing means-is entirely concentrated at the greatest radius of the bubble 65AUSTIN S. BRUNJES.the spirit of the invention.»-spective decks; with such a construction, thedecks can be uniformly and adjustably spaced.55The interior of the column I0 is smooth with thisconstruction. Any other convenient means ofsupport may also be used without departing fromthreaded bosses contiguousA with the said flangeand a plurality of adjustable members spaced
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