UI SC179 Rev2 1513, Przepisy, konwencje

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//-->SC179SCSC179179(SeptDewatering of forward spaces of bulk carriers(Chapter XII, Regulation 13.1 (Resolution MSC 134(76)) and IMO interpretation ofSOLAS Regulation XII/13 (MSC/Circ.1069))RegulationSOLAS Regulation XII/13.1 reads:1. On bulk carriers, the means for draining and pumping ballast tanks forward of the collisionbulkhead, and bilges of dry spaces any part of which extends forward of the foremost cargohold, shall be capable of being brought into operation from a readily accessible enclosedspace, the location of which is accessible from the navigation bridge or propulsion machinerycontrol position without traversing exposed freeboard or superstructure decks. Where pipesserving such tanks or bilges pierce the collision bulkhead, as an alternative to the valvecontrol specified in regulation II-1/11.4, valve operation by means of remotely operatedactuators may be accepted, as an alternative to the valve control specified in regulation II-1/12, provided that the location of such valve controls complies with this regulation.MSC/Circ. 1069 reads:1. The spaces where availability of pumping systems is required in accordance withparagraph 1 of SOLAS regulation XII/13 should be the same watertight spaces where waterlevel detectors are required in accordance with paragraph 1.3 of SOLAS regulation XII/12.2. This means that paragraph 1 of regulation XII/13 does not apply to the enclosed spacesthe volume of which does not exceed 0.1% of the ship’s maximum displacement volume andto the chain locker.Note:1.IACS Members are to implement this UI for equipment and arrangement approvalrequests received on or after 1 October 2003. Equipment and arrangements which do notfully comply with this UI may be installed until 31 December 2003 for compliance with SOLASregulation XII/13.2.Refer to IMO MSC/Circ. 1176 (Rev.1 is to introduce a reference to IMO MSC/Circ. 1176with no change of technical substance).3.Arrangements complying with the changes introduced in Rev.2 of this UI are to beuniformly applied by IACS Members on ships contracted for construction on or after 1January 2012 and are acceptable on any ship subject to this SOLAS Regulation.4.The “contracted for construction” date means the date on which the contract to build thevessel is signed between the prospective owner and the shipbuilder. For further detailsregarding the date of “contract for construction”, refer to IACS Procedural Requirement (PR)No. 29.(cont)2003)(Rev.1Nov 2005)(Rev.2Mar 2011)Page 1 of 2IACS Int. 2003/Rev.2 2011SC179Interpretation1.Where the piping arrangements for dewatering closed dry spaces are connected to thepiping arrangements for the drainage of water ballast tanks, two non-return valves are to beprovided to prevent the ingress of water into dry spaces from those intended for the carriageof water ballast. One of these non-return valves is to be fitted with shut-off isolationarrangement. The non-return valves are to be located in readily accessible positions. Theshut-off isolation arrangement are is to be capable of being controlled from the navigationbridge, the propulsion machinery control position or enclosed space which is readilyaccessible from the navigation bridge or the propulsion machinery control position withouttravelling exposed freeboard or superstructure decks. In this context, a position which isaccessible via an under deck passage, a pipe trunk or other similar means of access is not tobe taken as being in the "readily accessible enclosed space".2.Under this SOLAS regulation XII/13.1:SC179(cont)2.1 the valve specified under SOLAS regulation II-1/11.4 12.5.1 is to be capable of beingcontrolled from the navigation bridge, the propulsion machinery control position or enclosedspace which is readily accessible from the navigation bridge or the propulsion machinerycontrol position without travelling exposed freeboard or superstructure decks. In this context,a position which is accessible via an under deck passage, a pipe trunk or other similar meansof access is not to be taken as being in the "readily accessible enclosed space";2.2 the valve is not to move from the demanded position in the case of failure of the controlsystem power or actuator power;2.3 positive indication is to be provided at the remote control station to show that the valveis fully open or closed;2.4 local hand powered valve operation from above the freeboard deck, as permittedunder SOLAS regulation II-1/11.4, is requested, but is not an acceptable alternative toSOLAS regulation XII/13.1, unless all of the provisions SOLAS regulation XII/13.1 are met.local hand powered valve operation from above the freeboard deck as specified in SOLASregulation II-1/12.5.1 is required. An acceptable alternative to such arrangement may beremotely operated actuators as specified in SOLAS regulation XII/13.1 on the condition thatall provisions in 13.1 are met.3.The dewatering arrangements are to be such that any accumulated water can bedrained directly by a pump or eductor.4.The dewatering arrangements are to be such that when they are in operation, othersystems essential for the safety of the ship including fire-fighting and bilge systems remainavailable and ready for immediate use. The systems for normal operation of electric powersupplies, propulsion and steering are not to be affected by the operation of the dewateringsystems. It must also be possible to immediately start fire pumps and have a ready availablesupply of fire-fighting water and to be able to configure and use bilge system for anycompartment when the dewatering system is in operation.5.Bilge wells are to be provided with gratings or strainers that will prevent blockage of thedewatering system with debris.6.The enclosures of electrical equipment for the dewatering system installed in any of theforward dry spaces are to provide protection to IPX8 standard as defined in IEC Publication60529 for a water head equal to the height of the space in which the electrical equipment isinstalled for a time duration of at least 24 hours.End of DocumentPage 2 of 2IACS Int. 2003/Rev.2 2011 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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