Ubuntuguide Pt2, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu Guide

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UbuntuGuide Part2 -
UbuntuGuide Part2
1 Boot from a Live CD
3 Coreboot
4 Multiple OS Installation
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Using Grub Legacy for the boot partition
4.2 Partition design
4.3 Windows partitions
4.3.1 Changing Windows partition sizes Using Shrink Volume on Vista and Windows 7 Reinstalling Vista or Windows 7 on a new partition Using Windows Recovery Disks Windows XP (or earlier) Windows bootloaders
4.4 Install your first Linux OS
4.5 Copy boot files to the small Grub partition
4.6 Reinstall Grub to MBR
4.7 Install your second Linux OS
4.8 Changing main Grub boot menu settings
4.8.1 Using UUIDs for the main Grub bootloader menu
4.8.2 Add MacOSX entry
4.9 Re-installing Grub Legacy after Windows upgrade or re-installation
4.10 Other chainloader options
4.10.1 Chainloading Grub2 from Grub Legacy
4.11 The (hd0,9) problem
4.12 Protecting Grub Legacy from cracking
4.13 Manipulating partitions on the hard drive
5 Manipulating Partitions
5.1 Use the (K)Ubuntu Desktop LiveCD
5.2 Use GParted to manage partitions
5.3 One linux-swap partition per computer
5.4 Creating and "moving" free space
5.5 Creating or resizing a partition
5.6 Changing Grub Legacy in a boot partition
5.7 Changing Grub2 in a changed partition
5.7.1 Booting (K)Ubuntu manually from Grub Legacy
5.7.2 Discovering the current kernel files manually
5.8 Changing Grub Legacy in a changed partition
6 Virtualbox in Windows
6.1 Install Virtualbox in Windows
6.2 Install Ubuntu edition for virtual machines
6.2.1 Install a desktop
6.2.2 Install Linux Guest Additions
6.2.3 Creating shared folders
7 Android emulation
7.1 Android-x86 in VirtualBox
7.1.1 Networking for Android-x86 Wired networking for Android-x86 RC 4.0RC1
7.1.2 Installing apps Modified apps
7.1.3 Usage tips
7.2 Android SDK emulator
7.2.1 Networking for Android SDK
7.2.2 Installing an app
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UbuntuGuide Part2 - Netflix Android App
7.2.3 Other references
7.3 Other Android Virtual Machines
7.4 Other Android Resources
8 Screencasts
8.1 Creating screencasts (screencapture)
8.1.1 FFMPEG with x11grab Run FFMPEG with x11grab kX11grab Install the newest version of FFMPEG with x11grab
8.1.2 Add a webcam to a screencast
8.1.3 Record microphone and speaker output simultaneously
8.1.4 recordMyDesktop
8.1.5 xvidcap with Audacity
8.1.6 Using VNC to capture another computer's screen
8.1.7 Troubleshooting tips
8.1.8 Screencasts in Windows
8.1.9 Examples Exercise: Slideshow with audio track
8.2 Conversion / Editing
9 Netflix
9.1 Netflix in Wine app
9.2 Netflix Android App
10 Streamripper
10.1 Troubleshooting
11 Video Conversion
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Mencoder
11.2.1 MP4 with AAC audio to AVI with Xvid / MP3
11.2.2 Remove MKV subtitles and convert to AVI (XVID/MP3)
11.2.3 DVD to AVI with Xvid / MP3 Using k9copy as a conversion front-end
11.2.4 AVI to MPG
11.2.5 Increase volume
11.2.6 Add subtitles to video
11.2.7 Trim a video
11.2.8 Resize a video
11.2.9 Cropping and Scaling
11.2.10 Convert to .MP3 audio file
11.2.11 Change audio track of video
11.3.1 Flash video (.flv) to MPG-2 using FFMPEG
11.3.2 Convert to .MP3 audio file using FFMPEG Convert Flash video audio to mp3
11.3.3 Edit/convert screencapture with FFMPEG
11.3.4 WinFF (FFMPEG GUI)
11.4 VobSub2SRT (Convert subtitles from .sub/.idx to .srt)
11.5 Join .MPG video segments
11.6 Split a file into segments
11.7 Create a commercial (.vob) format DVD
11.8 MKV files
11.8.1 Extract .MKV subtitle file to .SRT subtitle file
11.9 Recommended formats
12 EBook Conversion
12.1 Calibre (eBook conversion)
12.1.1 Convert a web page to ePub format
12.1.2 Create an eBook cover
13 Email with PGP
13.1 Thunderbird with Enigmail
14 Mail Server setup
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Setting up MX records with a DNS registrar
14.3 Install the Mail server
14.4 Edit Postfix to reflect all variations of your domain name
14.5 Open and forward appropriate ports
14.6 Set up Dovecot to be used with Thunderbird
14.7 Create a Dovecot-compatible Maildir directory skeleton
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 UbuntuGuide Part2 -
14.8 Single User Quick Setup
14.9 Testing
14.10 Create a user for virtual mail
14.11 Configure Postfix with Dovecot for use with a vmail folder
14.12 Install and set up a MySQL database
14.13 Configure Postfix to be used with the MySQL database
14.14 Configure Dovecot to be used with the MySQL database
14.15 Adding virtual domains and users to a MySQL database
14.16 Install and set up an LDAP server
14.17 Set up Postfix with LDAP
14.18 Set up Dovecot with LDAP
14.19 Moving Maildir directories
14.20 Other Resources
15 Tor
15.1 Install Tor (Network privacy)
15.2 Using Tor with Firefox
15.3 Tor Browser Bundle
15.3.1 Torbutton (Firefox plug-in)
15.4 Using Konversation with Tor
15.5 Using proxies with Tor
15.5.1 usewithtor
15.5.2 torify
15.5.3 Privoxy
15.5.4 Other proxies
15.5.5 Ensuring applications use the proxy Using specific applications with Tor
15.6 Tor GUIs
15.6.1 Vidalia (Tor interface)
15.6.2 Tork (KDE Tor interface) Prevent autostart of proxies and Tor
15.7 Firewall considerations
15.7.1 Single computer
15.7.2 Proxy on LAN
15.7.3 Blocking all non-Tor traffic using iptables
15.7.4 Tor network initialization
15.8 Troubleshooting
15.9 Other resources
16 Remastersys
16.1 Install Remastersys
16.2 Create a custom distribution
16.3 Create a system backup
16.3.1 Using the Remastersys GUI
16.4 Edit Remastersys configuration file
16.5 Troubleshooting
17 Dynamic IP servers
17.1 Single URL and a DynDNS-capable router
17.2 Multiple URLs
17.2.1 ddclient Edit ddclient configuration Run ddclient using cron Other DDNS services
17.2.2 Other Dynamic DNS updater clients
17.3 Redirecting a URL
17.3.1 CNAME aliases
17.3.2 URL forwarding
17.3.3 Examples Multiple domain name URLs, single Dynamic URL
18 FTP tips
18.1 Vsftpd (FTP server)
18.1.1 Using two separate user accounts for vsftpd
18.1.2 Securing vsftpd
18.1.3 Encrypting transfers with FTPS Troubleshooting vsftpd
18.2 Proftpd (FTP server)
18.2.1 Configure proFTPd users to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home directories
18.2.2 Configure the proFTPd Server to allow anonymous FTP users to only have "read only" access
18.2.3 Configure the proFTPd Server to allow anonymous FTP users to have "read/write" access
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 UbuntuGuide Part2 -
18.2.4 Map the anonymous FTP user to a folder other than /home/ftp/
18.2.5 Change the default port number for the proFTPd Server
18.2.6 FTP to a remote (K)Ubuntu host from a Windows client
18.2.7 FTP to a remote Windows host from a (K)Ubuntu client
18.2.8 Configure the NAT/router/gateway/firewall for an FTP server
18.3 FTP troubleshooting
18.4 Google Android FTP clients
18.5 SFTP
18.5.1 SFTP clients
18.6 SFTP server
19 Using SSH to Port Forward
20 Limit OpenSSH users
20.1 How to limit the user accounts that can connect through ssh remotely
21 OpenVPN server Karmic
21.1 OpenVPN
21.1.1 Using a bridge interface
21.1.2 OpenVPN Server Installation
21.1.3 Server certificates
21.1.4 Client Certificates
21.1.5 Server Configuration
21.1.6 Client Configuration
21.1.7 Other resources
22 WebDAV
22.1 WebDAV Server Installation
22.1.1 Install Apache webserver
22.1.2 Open your firewall
22.1.3 Enable the Apache2 WebDAV modules
22.1.4 Create a folder for WebDAV use
22.1.5 Create or edit the virtual host file
22.1.6 Create password access for the WebDAV folders
22.1.7 Testing WebDAV
22.1.8 Set up Digest Authorization (encrypted passwords)
22.1.9 Enable WebDAV lock
22.2 Multiple WebDAV servers on a LAN using a single IP address and router
22.3 WebDAV with LDAP
22.4 WebDAV Clients
22.4.1 Dolphin
22.4.2 Nautilus
22.4.3 Firefox
22.4.4 Konqueror/Rekonq
22.4.5 Cadaver
22.4.6 Windows Creating passwords for Windows clients
22.4.7 Android
22.5 References
23 Apache2 reverse proxies
23.1 Other resources
24 MediaWiki tips
24.1 Install MediaWiki
24.1.1 ReCaptcha
24.2 Editing the LocalSettings.php configuration file
24.2.1 Increase PHP memory limits
24.2.2 Increase PHP uploaded file size limits
24.3 Change the default logo
24.4 Make backups
24.4.1 XML dump Import XML dump Export individual pages to XML
24.4.2 Full system backup
24.4.3 Upgrading
24.5 Backup and restore the MySQL database
24.5.1 Empty a database
24.6 Moving a MediaWiki installation to a new site
24.7 Install multiple MediaWiki sites
24.7.1 Multiple wikis
24.7.2 Multiple subwikis
24.7.3 Troubleshooting
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 UbuntuGuide Part2 -
24.8 Build your site
25 Mediawiki site building tips
25.1 Introduction
25.1.1 Choose the Main Page
25.2 Add Spam filters
25.2.1 Captcha ConfirmEdit ReCaptcha
25.2.2 Spam blacklist
25.2.3 Check Spambots
25.2.4 Bad Behavior
25.2.5 AkismetKlik
25.2.6 ConfirmAccount
25.3 SideBar Donate
25.4 Google AdSense
25.4.1 Google AdSense2
25.4.2 Google AdSense
25.5 ShareThis
25.6 Facilitate printing to an eBook
25.6.1 Collections
25.6.2 PdfBook
25.7 Add Quotations
25.8 Add Random elements as advertisements
25.9 Customise the Sidebar
25.10 Change skins
25.11 Change background colours
25.12 Add icons
25.13 Embed media into a document
25.14 Embed a PDF document
25.14.1 Use an external PDF viewer
25.14.2 Use Browser plugins
25.15 Use templates
25.16 Add WebDAV storage
25.17 Write a screenplay
25.18 Add citations / footnotes
25.19 Donation / Fundraising Interfaces
25.20 Import (K)Ubuntuguide into your site
25.21 Troubleshooting
25.21.1 Mediawiki 1.15 on Firefox and Google tablet browsers
25.21.2 Adding extra white spaces
25.21.3 Allow search engines to "follow" links
25.22 Collections
25.22.1 mwlib Easy installation Building latest version from source Test mwlib Start the mw server
25.22.2 Book Templates
25.23 PdfBook
26 Drupal6 tips
26.1 Drupal (Web content publishing)
26.1.1 Installation quirks Exim vs. Postfix Folder permissions
26.2 Browser installation
26.2.1 Status report Updates Cron
26.3 Multi-site Installation
26.3.1 Copy modules and themes folders
26.3.2 Update each site
26.3.3 Multisite cron
26.4 Build your site
27 Drupal site building tips
27.1 Introduction
27.2 Initial user setup
27.3 Create a Welcome page
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