USA Kenpo Combatives Self-Defense Course Apprentice Levels 1, ★★★Jeff Speakman★★★

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U.S.A. Kenpo Combatives
Self-Defense Course
Apprentice Skill Level
Levels #1 thru #5
U.S.A. Kenpo Combatives Self-Defense Course: Apprentice Levels #1 thru #5
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Copyright 2001 Ron & Sandie Shively
U.S.A. Kenpo Combatives Self-Defense Course: Apprentice Levels #1 thru #5
For the purpose of illustrating direction, please see the diagram below.
Left-Counter Clockwise
To avoid confusion, we are using the standard analog clock face for the purpose of best
illustrating both attack and defense.
Primarily, it borrowed from fighter pilots their method of locating another plane in reference to
themselves. Previously, many people tried to use compass points. However, this proved to be too
confusing, so analog clock increments were used instead. Since that time, this particular drill has
been used for almost 50 years in Combatives.
Keep in mind that almost any technique within can be done within this pattern.
It is our most basic testing pattern for both new and already existing technique.
Copyright 2001 Ron & Sandie Shively
U.S.A. Kenpo Combatives Self-Defense Course: Apprentice Levels #1 thru #5
U.S. A. Kenpo Combatives is a purely self-defense oriented system of fighting.
Based largely upon American as well as Asian fighting arts, it relies heavily on individual and
group practice for it to be effective.
This course can be learned in a few days; however, regular weekly practice is recommended to
insure success.
Unlike a more traditional study of modern martial arts (which can take several years to reach the
desired skill level) Combatives training can be mastered in a few weeks or months of regular,
progressive workouts.
There are four (4) levels to training in the combative self-defense arts:
Apprentice (levels #1 thru #10)
Journeyman (levels #1 thru #10)
Expert (levels #1 thru #10)
Master of Arms (levels #1 thru #10)
Each of these levels have their own sub-levels consisting of about 5 to 7 individual self-defense
techniques each.
Each of the self-defense techniques illustrated in this manual were chosen due to their overall
effectiveness in actual street combat situations.
There is no stigma applied to a movement’s effectiveness as to its position within the manual of
the U.S.A. Kenpo Combatives Self-Defense Course.
Level #1 Apprentice techniques are just as deadly, and just as effective as Level #10 Master of
Arms techniques.
This training manual concerns the first five (5) levels of training within the apprentice skill level.
Good Luck In Your Training,
Ronald James Shively
Ronald James Shively,
Senior Master of Arms
U.S.A. Kenpo Combatives
Copyright 2001 Ron & Sandie Shively
U.S.A. Kenpo Combatives Self-Defense Course: Apprentice Levels #1 thru #5
Level #1
1. Deflecting Hammer: right kick
3. Evasion: overhead club
4. Knee of Vengeance: two hand grab front
5. Attack from the Alley (offensive attack-one opponent)
Date: _________________
Level #2
1. Attacking Mantis: step-thru punch
2. Arcing Blades: right punch
4. Lone Kimono: left lapel grab
5. Raining Claw: uppercut punch
Date: _________________
Level #3
1. Crash of the Eagle: two hand rear choke
2. Checking the Storm: overhead club
3. Obscure Wing: flank shoulder grab
5. Beheading the Dragon: left punch
Date: _________________
Level #4
1. Feeding Crane: handshake - wrist grab
2. Crossing Talon: cross wrist grab
3. Knee Lift: front bear hug-arms pinned
5. Japanese Stranglehold: arm strangle from behind
Date: _________________
Level #5
1. Twisting Talon: wrist grab
2. Returning Dragon: lateral shoulder grab
3. Twin Kimono: two hand lapel grab
4. Tiger’s Tail: rear bear hug-arms are pinned
5. Waning Moon: overhead club
Date: _________________
Copyright 2001 Ron & Sandie Shively
2. Breaking the Sword: handshake
3. Japanese Sickle: left punch
4. Headlock: flank headlock
4. Chinese Circle: right punch
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