US Army - Field Manual 21-150 - Hand to Hand Killing, N

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*FM 21-150
FM 21-150
FM 21-150
FM 21-150
This field manual contains information and guidance pertaining to rifle-bayonet
fighting and hand-to-hand combat. The hand-to-hand combat portion of this manual
is divided into basic and advanced training. The techniques are applied as intuitive
patterns of natural movement but are initially studied according to range. Therefore,
the basic principles for fighting in each range are discussed. However, for ease of
learning they are studied in reverse order as they would be encountered in a combat
engagement. This manual serves as a guide for instructors, trainers, and soldiers in the
art of instinctive rifle-bayonet fighting.
The proponent for this publication is the United States Army Infantry School.
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United States Army Infantry School, ATTN: ATSH-RB, Fort Benning, GA,
Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns and pronouns do
not refer exclusively to men.
Hand-to-hand combat is an engagement between two or more persons in an
empty-handed struggle or with handheld weapons such as knives, sticks, and
rifles with bayonets. These fighting arts are essential military skills. Projectile
weapons may be lost or broken, or they may fail to fire. When friendly and
enemy forces become so intermingled that firearms and grenades are not
practical, hand-to-hand combat skills become vital assets.
Today’s battlefield scenarios may require silent elimination of the enemy.
Unarmed combat and expedient-weapons training should not be limited to
forward units. With rapid mechanized/motorized, airborne, and air assault
abilities, units throughout the battle area could be faced with close-quarter
or unarmed fighting situations. With low-intensity conflict scenarios and
guerrilla warfare conditions, any soldier is apt to face an unarmed
confrontation with the enemy, and hand-to-hand combative training can save
lives. The many practical battlefield benefits of combative training are not
its only advantage. It can also—
a. Contribute to individual and unit strength, flexibility, balance, and
cardiorespiratory fitness.
b. Build courage, confidence, self-discipline, and esprit de corps.
There are basic principles that the hand-to-hand fighter must know and apply
to successfully defeat an opponent. The principles mentioned are only a few
of the basic guidelines that are essential knowledge for hand-to-hand combat.
There are many others, which through years of study become intuitive to a
highly skilled fighter.
Physical Balance.
Balance refers to the ability to maintain equilibrium
and to remain in a stable, upright position. A hand-to-hand fighter must
maintain his balance both to defend himself and to launch an effective attack.
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