Uharc, Programy, Uharc 06B

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UHARC 0.6b high compression multimedia archiver BETA version==============================================================================#### #### #### #### ######## ########### ############## #### #### #### ########## ############ ################ #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ######## #### ############ ############ ########### ######## #### ############ ############ ########### ######## #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ################ #### #### #### #### #### #### ###################### #### #### #### #### #### #### ##########==============================================================================Copyright(c) 1997-2005 by Uwe Herklotz All rights reserved 01 Oct 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A BETA VERSION AND MAY CONTAIN BUGS. USE THIS !!!!!!!!!!!! ARCHIVER AT YOUR OWN RISK. UWE HERKLOTZ, THE AUTHOR OF !!!!!!!!!!!! UHARC, WILL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE !!!!!!!!!!!! OR DATA LOSS CAUSED BY USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!===< 0. Contents >============================================================1. Introduction2. Usage2.1. Commands2.2. Switches2.3. Environment variable3. Examples4. History5. Legal info / Registration6. Contact info===< 1. Introduction >========================================================UHARC is a high performance file archiver. This package contains 7 files:LICENSE.DOC License informationUHARC.EXE program version for Win32 systemsUHARCD.EXE program version for Dos32 systemsUHARCSFX.EXE Sfx-Stub for Win32 systemsUHARC.DOC this documentation fileUNUHARC.EXE free extraction program for Win32 systemsUNUHARCD.EXE free extraction program for Dos32 systemsWhat's new in version 0.6b ?- free extraction programs for Win32/Dos32 added - these programs can beused and distributed freely without any restrictionsNote: UHARC 0.6b archives are compatible with v0.6 and v0.6a archives butNOT compatible with any previous version (version number < 0.6)!This program will run on any 386 or better computer. Memory requirementsdepend on selected compression mode. The number of files in one operationis only limited by available memory, however current version can't handlearchives with more than 2 GB total unpacked size.===< 2. Usage >===============================================================Usage: UHARC command [-switch..] archive[.uha] [file..@listfile..!exclude..]Commands:~~~~~~~~~a Create archive/Add files e Extract files to current dirm Create archive/Move files x Extract files with full pathl List files in archive t Test files in archiveSwitches:~~~~~~~~~ac[-,+] Clear file archive attr ae<attr> Set attr exclusion maskb<n> Set max filebuffer size bpb[-,+] bpb instead of % ratiod<0..2> Set display mode ed[-,+] Store empty directoriesidle Set idle process priority lg<file> Log output to <file>m<0..3,x,z> Set compression mode md<n> Set dictionary sizemm[-,+] MM-detection on/off o[-,+,p] Set overwrite modepw[passwd] Set password p<-,r,f> Set path handlingr[-,+] Recurse subdirectories t<dir> Set extract target dirvm[-,+] Set virtual memory usage y[-,+] Assume yes on all queries* For commandline help type "UHARC" without any parameter.* The command character must be placed immediately after "UHARC".* The switches, if any, must follow the command character. UHARC supportsthe use of either "-" or "/" as the switch option character.* The UHARC archive name must be the first filename on the commandline.If there is no archive file extension specified, UHARC will add thedefault (".UHA") extension.* After the archive filename come the list of files for the givenoperation. One or more files containing a list of files to processcan also be used by prefixing the list's filename with "@". It'spossible to mix filenames and list files in any order. If a filenameon commandline or in a list file has prefix "!", this means it willbe excluded in processing. Allowed delimiters for filenames in listfiles are space, tab and newline. Filenames with spaces must beenclosed in double-quotes. The line size in list file must notexceed 4095 characters.* Filename wildcards are allowed in commandline and in list files,but not for archive filename. The use of wildcards follow MS-DOSconvention. "*.*" means all files. "*.txt" means all files with anextension of ".TXT". "?B*.*" means all files with a second characterof "B".* If there are no files specified at all, all files ("*.*") will beprocessed (use "-r" to recurse subdirectories).* UNUHARC versions have same commandline options like UHARC but supportextraction and test commands only.---< 2.1. Commands >----------------------------------------------------------a Create archive and add matching files.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If a file with the archive name already exists, UHARC will askbefore overwriting this file, unless you change the defaultoverwrite mode or use "-y".Following switches have effect: ac ae b bpb d ed lg m md mm o p pw r ye Extract matching files to current directory.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Stored pathnames will be ignored. Using the switch "-t", you canchange the current directory for extracting.Following switches have effect: b d lg o pw t yl List matching files in archive.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Using switch "-y", UHARC will not pause after one page, else youcan use the following keys:ESCAPE = Cancel (quit program)TAB = Disable pauseRETURN = Next lineother keys = Next pageUsing switch "-d2", filenames are not shortened and moreinformation are displayed.Following switches have effect: b bpb d lg pw ym Create archive and move matching files.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If a file with the archive name already exists, UHARC will askbefore overwriting this file, unless you change the defaultoverwrite mode or use "-y". If compression was successful, UHARCwill delete matching files on disk (but no directories).Following switches have effect: ae b bpb d ed lg m md mm o p pw r yt Test integrity of ALL files in archive.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Following switches have effect: b d lg pw yx Extract matching files with full pathnames.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UHARC will use the pathnames stored in archive for extraction (ifthe archive was created with option "-pf", this also includes driveletters). Using the switch "-t", you can select the root-directoryfor all extracted dirs/files.Following switches have effect: b d lg o pw t yNote: During all operations it's possible to terminate the processby pressing ESCAPE and answering the following question with"Y" (when listing files, there is no additional query).---< 2.2. Switches >------------------------------------------------------------ Stop switches scanning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This switch tells UHARC that there are no more switches to beprocessed. It's necessary if the archive name starts with a"-" character. Without "--" switch such name would be treatedas a switch.-!<char> Set exclude mask specifier~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Defines the character that is used as exclude mask specifier.It should be used if a file name given in commandline or inlist file starts with the default exclude mask character "!".If no character is given ("-!") then exclude mask processingwill be disabled. This option should be used carefully.DEFAULT: -!!-@<char> Set list file specifier~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Defines the character that is used as list file specifier.It should be used if a file name given in commandline or inlist file starts with the default list file character "@".If no character is given ("-@") then list file processingwill be disabled. This option should be used carefully.DEFAULT: -@@-ac[-,+] Clear file archive attribute~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-ac[+] Clear archive attribute of files stored in archive.-ac- Don't clear archive attribute.... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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