UbuntuServerBrochure804LTS, Ubuntu 8.04.1

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Ubuntu Server Edition 8.04 LTS
A rock solid opportunity
for your business
Packed with features
Ubuntu Server Edition is changing the server market
for businesses by delivering the best of free software on
a stable, fully supported and secure platform. Ubuntu
can now be found in hundreds of businesses across the
world delivering key services reliably, predictably
and economically.
Ubuntu Server Edition is loaded with features to simplify,
optimise and secure your servers. The standard services
listed over the page can be set-up during installation,
meaning you can be up and running in minutes. These
services require limited maintenance so once you’ve
set it, you can forget it. Additionally, there are hundreds
of other services and applications you can install to cover
every server requirement your business has.
Ubuntu Server Edition is becoming the backbone of
many of the services that a typical business needs to
run. With no license fees, an expanding ecosystem,
minimal maintenance and a growing community of peers
and references, Ubuntu Server Edition is making many
businesses reconsider how they use Linux in
their organisations.
We replaced the proprietary
Ubuntu users can enjoy outstanding performance, security
and reliabilty:
Unix technology. The PC servers
running Ubuntu cost a fraction of

easily integrates into your existing networks

provides a low total cost of ownership

offers multiple life cycle scenarios for you to choose

delivers free lifelong maintenance

is backed by our world class support
the old hardware cost.
Ken Simon,
Oakland University
Ubuntu Server Edition
Uses a specifi cally tuned kernel to optimise your hardware and to handle all the most
common server workloads. Also tuned specifi cally for virtualization where Ubuntu
operates as an excellent hypervisor.
Mail server
Has all the features needed to provide e-mail services, whether acting as a connector
to the Internet with Postfi x, or as a central storage for users to access their e-mail with
Dovecot. It also supports a range of content checkers to keep your organisation spam
and virus free.
File and print server
Makes sharing fi les across multiple systems with Samba easy. CUPS shares printers
across networks and minimises printer recognition issues.
Web application server
Serves dynamic web pages using your favourite tools including PHP, Perl, Python,
Apache, MySQL or PostgreSQL with more options supported by vendors and the
community, such as Java and Ruby.
Offers great security for your business with it’s easy to administer, but fi ne-grained
security procedures. From kernel hardening to access control and years of free
updates, Ubuntu Server will ace any security audit.
Authentication integration
Integrates easily with Windows, MacOSX, Unix and Linux. Also comes with Likewise
Open and LDAP connectors to easily integrate with your current user management
system, allowing your clients to seamlessly authenticate.
Automated deployment
Includes network & CD deployment, unattended installation, controlled installation,
pre and post installation scripting, easy confi guration GUI, automated updates and
Landscape (Ubuntu systems management) integration.
Ubuntu Server Edition JeOS
Allows you to build virtual appliances. Confi gured to be as low footprint as possible, it
allows you to run more appliances per server to maximise system usage.
Network infrastructure
Provides a range of network infrastructure services, including DNS with Bind 9,
DHCP for easy network confi guration and VPN’s with OpenVPN. Additionally, includes
FreeRadius, monitoring through Nagios or Munin and backup solutions with Bacula
or BackupPC.
The benefi ts of switching
to Ubuntu Server Edition
Figure 1 – Seamless authentication integration
Ubuntu Server
Active Directory
Ubuntu Server Edition is different. We make
the same version available to everyone
and we provide updates for the duration
of its life cycle. We also focus on
building it in a way that benefi ts
real world administrators so that
they can succeed in running the
IT backbone of businesses.
Access shares,
services, print...
Ubuntu Client
Linux Client
Services are simple to deploy
Mac OSX Client
Windows Client
Ubuntu adds ease of use and effi ciency, with a typical
deployment taking just minutes for a fully secured and
confi gured deployment of standard services. Today
there is an array of vital services that can be deployed
in this was including mail, web, DNS, fi le serving
or database management. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and
PHP) is also available at set-up.
This simplicity is because Ubuntu Server Edition takes a
different approach to how it delivers packages. The basic
confi guration and integration work is done before installation
so that the user only needs to select which option they want.
Virtual Appliance
Third Party Application
Apache Web
or MySQL
JeOS Kernel
Server Kernel + Drivers
Server Hardware
Figure 2 – A sample server confi guration that can be set-up easily with Ubuntu Server Edition
Packages are straight forward to deploy and manage
We recognise that the administration and upgrade costs
are another signifi cant part of IT business spending.
Therefore, we’ve made our server as easy to maintain as
possible, which means that you can set it up and then
forget about it.
private repository, so they manage the system as one
unique component.

Third party software
packages that are added from the
partner repository get updated at the same time.

Automated deployments
save you time. Deploying new
systems is time consuming and a repetitive process that can
be fully automated to easily provision a new server in the
most complex setups. The flexibility of the Debian installer
allows fast network deployments or creation of custom CDs,
including any special configuration that may be required.

The Debian packaging system
handles package
files and configuration, allows for tight integration of
different packages, permits updates of running services
and provides excellent dependency control.

APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) management system
allows you to get fast and reliable automated update
mechanisms that you can control fully, and it covers not only
the operating system but all of the open source packages
that you install on top of it. Administrators can easily learn
how to package any program and publish them in a
Lower your cost of ownership
Predictable life cycle and maintenance policy
Ubuntu Server Edition is free, and always will be. There is
no ‘for pay’ edition that contains extras. We know that
license fees are only the starting point in making a TCO
argument in your business, therefore, consider the merits of
Ubuntu Server Edition:
Our product life cycle ensures that you can perform
upgrades of your systems, in place, time after time, at
the pace you choose, without compromising the work you
have put in setting them up.
Easy to manage
– installation, startup, shutdown,
service initialisation and package management.
Built for purpose
– no bloatware and no extraneous
applications clogging up what you really want to do–run the
services that run your business.
10.04 Server LTS
The platform for open and free computing
– take
advantage of the fantastic array of open source server
applications to increase the savings for your organisation.
8.04 Server LTS
Simple to upgrade
– get the latest and greatest
upgrades every 6 months or stay for the longer term on
a single platform in the knowledge that we will ease the
upgrade path. It’s long term confidence.
6.06 Server LTS
Simple to update
– Debian packaging and APT
are recognised as the easiest, smoothest methods
of introducing software to your server stack. They are
pre-configured to ensure a smooth introduction.
Figure 4 – Upgrade path
The ideal ‘green’ solution
– whether it is virtualization
maximising your server efficiency or simply running lean
services across your network, Ubuntu is a great partner in
the drive to improve efficiency.
Ubuntu Server Edition has a dual release cycle

Every 6 months a version is released that contains the
latest packages and updates. This is maintained for 18
months from release with an upgrade path to the next 6
month release version.
– the greatest risks to your business are
eliminated. Continuous updates respond to the changing
landscape of risk on an already hard to hack distribution.

For greater robustness and easier planning, every
2 years a Long Term Support (LTS) version is released that
is maintained for 5 years. This is a target platform for ISVs
looking to build solutions on Ubuntu and also for larger
deployments in need of a more stable release.
Figure 3 – Automated deployment
Get address and boot info
Get confi guration
Get initial boot image
Retrieve packages
New Server
Wired or wireless network
chipsets permit. This includes AMD’s V, Cool & Quiet and
Hypertransport as well as Intel’s VT, IOAT and EIST.
Ubuntu’s fi ne-grained package
structure makes it an excellent
choice for VMware virtualization.
VMware and Canonical have
worked to optimise Ubuntu 8.04
LTS for customers running VMware
virtualization in data centres and
on desktops, and Ubuntu’s Server
JeOS is a compelling platform for
ISVs building virtual appliances.
World class support from Canonical
Every business depends on their technology which is why
you need Canonical’s professional support services behind
you. Our focus is on providing exceptional support so that
customers can deploy and manage their Ubuntu systems
with confi dence. Our support team has the knowledge and
expertise to assist with the most diffi cult deployment and
confi guration problems.
Solving problems quickly and effectively is critical for
effective IT management. As a support subscriber you
will have immediate access to an expert who can answer
your questions or help if something goes wrong. From
simple confi guration problems, to the resolving of mission
critical bugs we’re there whenever you need us. For more
information visit
Dan Chu,
Vice President of Emerging
Products and Markets, VMware
Canonical Landscape:
System Management for Ubuntu
Ubuntu Server Edition offers a variety of virtualization
technologies for use as a host or guest operating system.
There are open source and proprietary solutions to
meet every need. KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine) is our
open source virtualization solution, it’s effi cient and
comes with a suite of management tools. Additionally,
we have established premier relationships with VMware
and Parallels to offer a range of options to meet every
Deploying applications and security updates to multiple
machines is a critical component in effective systems
management. Landscape makes Ubuntu systems
management simple, enabling you to manage multiple
Ubuntu machines through a single web interface. Simply
register a machine in Landscape and you can immediately
start managing application, system and user resources.
Storage Area Network
Ubuntu Server Edition brings the power of inexpensive
shared storage to your servers. More and more
organisations rely on the throughput of Gigabit Ethernet
to build up their SAN (Storage Area Network) for data
or virtual machine storage. Using relatively inexpensive
hardware, the performance can be quite amazing.
Two key storage technologies feature in Ubuntu Server
Edition: iSCSI and DRBD. They enable administrators
to attach network storage to a server. These low level
protocols can be used in conjunction with a variety of
fi le systems and high availability capabilities to set-up
scalable and robust server confi gurations.
Processor technologies
Ubuntu Server Edition is optimised for 32 or 64-bit multi-
core processors. The Kernel team is working closely
with Intel and AMD to implement the latest features the
processors allow, and integrate the latest drivers the
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