US6056706, Chi Machine

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//-->US006056706AUlllted States Patent [19]Hung[54]FOOT SUSPENDED EXERCISE ROCKINGMACHINE_[11] Patent Number:[45] Date of Patent:5,417,644_6,056,706May 2, 20005/1995 Lee ._Primary Examzner—Danton D. DeMille[76][21]Inventor:Shou-Ju Hung, 58, Ma Yuan West St.,Taichung, Taiwan[57]ABSTRACTA rocking machine has an outer casing, an upper seat, aApp]' No; 09/303,746_motor, a hollow connector, a drive member, a right rockingmember, and a left rocking member. The motor Which is[22][51]Flled:U S C]' 'May 3’ 1999601/89 601/35 601/87' """"""""""""""""" "’601/101’_ 601/95;disposed in the outer casing has a shaft inserted in the holloWConnector- The hollow Connector has an upper rod- The driveInt. c1.7 ..................................................... .. A61H 1/00[52]member has an upper block, a loWer oblong groove, and tWoloWer oblong recesses. The right rocking member has an,’upper through aperture and a loWer through aperture. The[58] Fleld of searglé[56]6,5011%? g1’ 5;’és £26 £27 60 63 68 £01 104;’’’’’’’left rocking member has an upper through hole and a loWerthrough hole. The upper rod is inserted in the loWer oblonggroove. The upper seat is disposed on the drive member. The.References CltedU.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS2 648 332 8/1953 J h5,107,822 4/1992 Ohashi.,,nson.right rocking member receives a right loWer portion of thedrive member. The left rocking member receives a left loWerportion of the drive member. Four angle plates are fastenedin the outer casing to position the right and the left rockingmembers plvotany'-5,328,4437/1994 Lee .5,411,4695/1995 Wang .1 Claim, 7 Drawing Sheets339U.S. PatentMay 2, 2000Sheet 1 0f 76,056,706FIG.1U.S. PatentMay 2, 2000Sheet 2 0f 76,056,706U.S. PatentMay 2, 2000Sheet 3 0f 76,056,706U.S. PatentMay 2, 2000Sheet 4 0f 76,056,706whim8\Lq >. :\\\N \B\\N‘\F’ [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
